Tuesday 11 June 2013

Lal Krishna Advani's resignation has been rejected by BJP top officials and he remain as the head of the National Executive, The Parliamentary and The Election Committee. I have a simple message to convey him:- You have reached the age at which people in the family used to play with there grand childrens. Instead of doing so you are hunger for the PM's post. Its better you stop day dreaming and enter into realistic world that you can never be the PM rather leave all your desires and anxieties and clear the way for the Gujrat Chief Minister Shri.Narendra Modi. The young mass wants rapid growth of our nation which is only possible  if Narendra Modi is made the Prime Minister.  If I would had been the BJP party president then would had dumped you much before probably in the year 2004 as you had dumped the legendary leader of your party Shri.Atal Behari Vajpayeeji.

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