Wednesday 25 July 2012

Anugul: Protesters call off economic blockade near Jindal Steel Plant following district administration’s written assurance.

As Jindal Steel Plant's workers  have  called off the economic blockade after getting the written assurance from the District Administration. But similar nature of environment has arisen in recent years in almost all industrial organisations set up in Odisha. What is the root cause of this situation ? To whom it may be blamed the district adminstration or the local people, or the organisation's top brass? Who?. In my view its the Odisha Government who is sole responsible for all this because the State Government has taken a lead role to bend down on the knees before the Corporate lords to fill there one point agenda to make money at a broadband speed. Undue favours have been granted to corporate world who have not left any stone unturned to pollute the environment. There is no political will or courage to force the state government to repair faulty minning policy that allows virtual loot of iron ore, bauxite mines and minerals. The Corporate houses also have forgotten about the MOU signed with the government. In the name of permanent jobs are going to persons outside the state because local people lack skill which they want. But it is mandatory to them to provide specific traning to the locals to suit their requirement and provide them permanent employment. And when the locals demand for there rights similar nature of situation arises such as in Jindal and also state government has taken a one step forward on live bullets being fired on them.

Saturday 14 July 2012

"Indian Summer" by Alexander VOn Tunzelmann

While I was in the half way of a non-fiction book "Indian Summer" by
Alexander VOn Tunzelmann. I came across some interesting facts about
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi both occured in the year

                                 Jawaharlal Nehru was been the
President of the Indian National COngress Party since 1935 and had
spent most of travelling around India and meeting the people he hoped
to represent. He was recieved witha series of darshans almost
Gandhians in their fervor. Songs were composed in his honor, fantastic
stories were told of his valvor and bravery. Awoman in Madras(now
Chennai) created a line of toileters called the "Nehru Specialists"
and sent samples to him. His vanity was slightly offended by the most
agreable picture of him of him branded on all bottles, but otherwise
he found them amusing and distributed the samples of Nehru Pomade and
Nehru lime juice and glycerine among his friends.
                       Gandhi had four sons but in 1936 there was a
very public scandal involving his eldest. Harilal declared that he had
converted too Islam, began calling himself Abdullah Gandhi and
attacked his father in print. He continued to be seen drunk in
public,which scarcelysuggested fervent adherence to the teachings of
the Koran. At around this time Gandhi sufferred from the first of a
series of nervous breakdowns. He left Kasturba and his followers and
moved into a one room hut in central India far from railways or post
offices and among a population mostly consisting of Untouchables.

Friday 6 July 2012

How to restrict EVM tampering

The  Election Commission of India had introduced Electronic Voting Machines (EVM)  on experimental basis for the first time in 16 Assembly Constituencies in the States of Madhya Pradesh (5), Rajasthan (5) and NCT of Delhi (6) at the General Elections to the respective Legislative Assemblies held in November, 1998. 

EVMs were introduced to complete the election process in a peaceful manner without much delay.  In the early days  probably a decade ago,  booth capturing was common in the states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh etc., and this menace not only disrupted the election process but also was responsible for manipulation of results.The introduction of EVMs and their widespread use in day to day elections has put a fullstop to the manipulation of results. But EVMs are also not completely tamper proof and this is a matter that has been questioned by many civil society activists and people's representatives of various states.The same has also been a matter of intense media scrutiny and has been discussed at various forums.It is a common practice of opposition parties that they complain that the party in power has used its clout and position to fix the results in its favour to retain the same "Kursi".  

I am writing this blog in the interest of all political parties, people's representatives, civil society activists, political party members, various State and Central Govt. organisations and the public at large. I have collected the following checklist from Mr. Hari Prasad, a corporate guy from Andhra Pradesh who had been jailed for proving in public domain that the EVMs are not 100 % tamper proof. 

All the above mentioned stakeholders should read this and keep the following points in mind while checkout whether or not the EVMs have been tampered. The following letter and points should be read carefully to stop as well as detect EVM tampering.                                                       

The CEO,
Andhra Pradesh

Convener Election watches,
National coordinator VeTA,

                                           Sub; Seeking information- as a check list - for verifiability, transparency, accountability in EVMs.


           In continuation of my letter date 2nd may, seeking information about the EVMs used in Kadapa by-elections, I was surprised to see that there is no proper response from your side. After my telephonic talk with the collector and joint collector of Kadapa, I could assess that E.C is unable to even provide basic information about the Master Stock Register and the movement registers of EVMs, which is essential while dealing with these electronic devises. This information should be kept open for all the political party contestants and the polling agents during first and second level of checks in EVMs. As an election watch activist I would once again, like to insist on seeking information pertaining to EVMs which is very important for the free and fare conduction of elections.

As you are aware in the last bi-elections the TRS party has filed a case in high court against the E.C using the EVMs with non transparent behavior. Later to avoid the EVMs they have even filed more than 64 nominations in several constituencies. In this context the E.C was forced to conduct the by-election with paper ballot in 5 out of 12 constituencies. No contestant or a political party in the country should feel that it is the EVM that is manipulating his results, against the verdict of the voter. To avoid this E.C should be more transparent, allow the verification properly and ready to give information while dealing with the EVMs.

As a part of the whistle blower activity, I am cautioning the election commission to seriously concentrate on the below mentioned questioner and provide the information if you feel you are ready for conduction of free and fare election.

CHECK LIST; Every EVM should and must be accompanied with the fallowing information to ensure that they are free from the tampering, in case of E.C unable to  provide information now election is questionable in future.

(Master Stock Register)

·        Name of State/Union Territory:
·        Name of District:
·        Name of sub-division/taluka:
·        Address of Warehouse:
·        Name of the in-charge with designation (Warehouse in-charge should not be less than MRO rank)-
1. Total No. of EVMs in Master Stock Register-.
2. Total No. of CUs outside the warehouse-
a. For poll-.
b. For Training-
c. For Voter awareness-
d. For maintenance-.
e. For diagnostic test-.
3. Total No. of CUs in the warehouse-
4. Total No. of BUs outside the warehouse-
a. For poll-
b. For Training-.
c. For Voter awareness-
d. For maintenance-
e. For diagnostic test-.
5. Total No. of BUs in the warehouse-

                    Part- A (Control Unit)

·        CU ID No
·        Box No.-
·        Name of Manufacturer-
·        Year of Manufacture-
·        Date of Receipt-
·        Receipt Challan No.-
·        Date on receipt challan-
·        Name and designation of receiver-
·        Name of the receiver & contact-
·        Signature of Warehouse-in- charge-
·        Present Status (Available in warehouse), If not available then reason thereof-
·        Date of movement from warehouse if any-

Part-B (Ballot Unit)
·        BU ID No-
·        Box No-
·        Name of Manufacturer-
·        Year of Manufacture-
·        Date of Receipt-
·        Receipt Challan No-
·        Date on receipt challan-
·        Name and designation of receiver-
·        Signature of receiver-
·        Signature of Warehouse-in- charge
·        Present Status (Available in warehouse), If not available then reason thereof-
·        Date of movement from warehouse if any-

1.     Who is the deputy Election official, Election supervisor and warehouse in-charge of EVMS?
2.     How many ware houses are there in cuddapah district?
3.     How many Master stock registers are available?
4.     Are all the MSR are certified by the concerned? Are they been entered in the EVM Ledgers?
5.     DEO certificate on EVM stocks and maintenance?
6.     Physical verification reports warehouse wise?(signed copies of district election officer)
7.     Are the storages (warehouse) are exclusive for EVMs? Are they private or government? Are the warehouses located at district or tehsil HQs?
8.     EVM warehouse should have only one entry point.  Is it followed?
9.     Entry of EVM storage warehouse must be secured by a double lock system, which should be held jointly by two separate officers to be nominated by the DEO. One of them will be not below the rank of Sub-Divisional Magistrate. Is it followed?
10.                       Who are the persons/guards appointed as security for each warehouse?
11.                       How many times the warehouse is opened till date and under whose instructions and the reason for opening it? Are representatives of political parties are present at the time of opening and signed the records, who are they?
12.                       Is there a log book maintained to record the events of warehouse activity opening & closing?
13.                       Quarterly verification reports on EVM Stocks?
14.                       First level check report of EVMs allocated for bye-elections?
15.                        List of people Who all are allowed to do diagnostic check and what are the procedures adopted to authorize people from outside who handle the EVMs for various tests. (like manufacturers or other technicians)?
16.                        Is the unique-id printed on the CU box is the same that is written into the eeproms( votes storage memory) at the time of manufacturing? Has it been verified every time as part of the FLC procedure before the political parties?
17.                        How many diagnostic check response messages are present in the present EVMs and are the political parties and observers are been informed about these messages to cross check the authenticity?
18.                        What is the scientific authentication process of the software program inside the EVM other than mock poll? And has it been done by ECI till date if so at what intervals?

·        Why not ECI make transparent of all these records in their website similar to all other details?

Kindly provide the information as early as possible so as to use this information for verification and transparency check of EVMs in Kadapa.


Monday 2 July 2012

If Jarawa can be protected why not Dongria Kondhs ??

Today the Hon'ble Supreme Court gave a remarkable order to stop immediate tourist activities in the Jarawa regions of  Andaman. Beacuse in the month of January two British newspapers has released a controversial video shooting scantily - clad women tribal dancing for tourists in return of food and money. The Jarawa tribal community are the endangered spices that resides in Andaman Islands. There population is some how 250-400 individuals. Like wise in the state of Odisha also a similar nature of  endangered spices exists knows as Dongria Kondhs.  They are mainly located in the  district of Rayagada. There population  is some how 8000 and they are the fruit farmers i.e they grow pineapple, oranges,turmeric, papaya, mango and jack fruit. They believe in Nature God and are able to save the forests and wildlife in that particular region in this manner. They give the highest importance to the Niyamgiri hills which they worship as god because in there knowledge Niyamgiri hills is the creator of Dongria Kondhs. In the recent years they had fought a ding-dong battle with the State Govt. of Odisha and as well as with the Vedanta Resources a UK based company because they wanted to grab the land the Niyamgiri Hills because it is rich in bauxite. Although the company had promised that it will do the proper rehabilitation to the Kondhs residing there and would give them a good shelter. But in broader sense is it possible that they can survive in artificial environment and there would not be any threat to there population. Is this is the reward they are to be given for protecting the wild life, afforestation and all ? Is it not the prime duty of the State Government to protect there natural habitat. The state government should defend  for the kondhs such as the Andaman and Nicobar Tourism department stands just as a great wall of china for the Jawara tribes. If Jawara can be protected because they are the endangered spices then why not Dongria Kondhs??? The State Government, Central Government and the Supreme Court should give a combine effort to make strict laws so that there natural habitat may not be in trouble . But I do not think the law makers will give any importance to this indigenous adivasi people. Its a wake up call for law makers to stop all this.